So this is me starting a personal blog and
it's my first blog about.... well.... myself. I've blogged about other stuff
before and hopefully you are familiar with my photography blog HERE. But alas I've felt the
need to rant about myself (sounds rather egocentric, I know) I thought I would
indulge myself in ranting to seemingly no one while generally accepting that
people, whether they know me well or not, will read this (at least I think they
Anyway, so I’ve dubbed myself a bit of a
“Jane of All Trades” for a while now and although I don’t actually think I can
do everything, I do admit to having more than a few activities in my schedule.
My plan is to write about myself and what I
do in hopes of 1) understanding myself
better 2) finding and connecting with like-minded people 3) encouraging others to
feel good about themselves and all the “trades” that they are up to
Here is a list of what I’m currently up to:
- First and foremost I am a Wife and Mother. I have enjoyed the
last 11 months staying at home with my girlies but one way or another that
will soon be coming to a close for a season.
- I consider myself a “life long learner” I finished my Master’s
degree in Neuroscience… oh you know 11 months ago :P and while I’m not
currently formally studying anything I have on more than one occasion
found myself still reading journals (*shudders* it’s like I like it)
- I am also at the end stretch of my first med school application
cycle (I hope there isn’t a second but the verdict is still out… the
waiting IS KILLING me!!!!)
- I have a photography business and while I love maternity and
newborn photography I - no shock here- do a little of everything :P I had
a shoot a week ago and I’m planning another in a couple weeks
- I strongly support other people (especially women) to be as
educated as they can be so I currently have 2 students that I’m tutoring in
math 20… they are preparing to KICK butt on the final!
- So many of these bullets deserve a future blog post of their
own but this one especially, I’m currently enrolled in driver’s ed…
yeehaw!! If all goes well I should be a REAL licensed driver by the end of
April. No one should have their class 7 for 8 years :(
- I volunteer as I am invited to at church, helping to organize all the women to visit each other and form sisterly bonds and a new assignment
assisting in the Nursery which means teaching/entertaining/playing with
around ten 18 month to 3 years olds for 2 hours every Sunday :)
- I’ve also developed a rather messy craft habit in which I shred
old clothes and bed linens and crochet rugs and hats out of them… that and
beading earring and necklaces… and making hair accessories...ok I love crafting.
- Oh and I own and on semi- regular occasion choose to cloth
diaper my infants.
So here are my answers for people when I give them this information…yes
I do sleep. I make most of my family’s meals from scratch. I employ no Sherpa,
Nanny or maid (although that would be awesome! I’ve always wanted a Sherpa). My
husband and I do like each other and we frequently talk. I love my children and
we make time for singing songs and craft projects on a pretty regular basis.
I’m not crazy, or a serious perfectionist. I don’t often feel run off my feet
or overwhelmed and my elusions of being super human ended several years ago. I’m
just me…doing all the stuff I do.
We should talk about all the stuff that I usually
do but have cut back on or enjoyed in the past… next time!
So if you are out there reading this, leave me a comment so I don't feel like I'm talking to myself and subscribe to hear more of my stories of being a "Jane of All Trades"