Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Wish List

I have this problem every year where people ask me what I want for Christmas and I just stand there and look kind of dumb. I can never resolve in my head what I really want. I aim to rattle off a list of consumer goods that would be feasible for the person asking to acquire but so often more "stuff" just doesn't appeal to me. Don't get me wrong, I like stuff but I have a lot of it already and I tend to treat myself to things that I want throughout the year.

So then my mind goes away from the would-be-nice-list to the need-list. I need more sleep and more time, but no one can give me that.  I really want for my house to be cleaner so time from a maid service would be amazing. Our bathroom reno is dragging on so it would be great to have some help finishing that. I want my children to enjoy the holidays and the magical feelings of Christmas morning but some may argue that that's not really "for me". I find this list to be too much to ask of most people and its certainly not easy to just swing by the mall and pick these items up.

So I default to the material-possessions-that-would-be-nice-to-have list. I need either a new coat or for the one I own to get repaired and dry cleaned. I need a new printer but I might have to buy that before Christmas. I'm a bit of a girly girl so I enjoy makeup, perfume and jewelry. Gift cards are awesome although depending on the store I'm actually more likely to buy things for my children or as gifts for other people (kind of a sneaky way of re-gifting). Spa treatments never go out of style! Sign me up for fingernail, pedicures, hair cuts etc. any day!!!

Then there are the kind of awkward things that I want (awkward because giving them may imply something unfavorable about myself.) I want teeth whiting, hair removal systems, fitness vouchers or membership in a weight loss program. I guess I accept that I'm chubby, hairy and have yellow teeth 'cause I think these gifts would be awesome!

Ok so I guess there is a list of things a want but I find it to be somewhat out of the conventional realm of things. My Christmas shopping is far from done, I have to pry these kinds of lists out of my loved ones still and all by next Tuesday :)

I guess its a profound blessing to be able to reflect on the most enduring and riches gifts of the season. My beloved Savior who upholds me through trials and forgives my many imperfections as I strive to become more like Him. My family; my beautiful sisters, my loving and supportive parents. The family I am growing in and creating, my husband and my adorable girls. My gratitude for these heavenly gifts is impossible to express fully.

Merry Christmas !

And on a lighter note: this is one of my favorite SNL sketches by Steve Martin. In typical SNL style its a bit irreverent but as I think about my Christmas wish list each year this always comes back to my mind.

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